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/ Visual Basic Toolbox / Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO / sound / spsoun / spsound.frm (.txt) < prev    next >
Visual Basic Form  |  1991-07-07  |  4KB  |  89 lines

  1. Form1
  2. Demo for Sound .DLL Routines
  3. Form1*
  4. Label1
  5. SpSound
  6. Command3
  7. spTone
  8. Command1
  9. Demo All
  10. Label2
  11. PAdapted from 'C' routines which appeared in the MAY 1990 Issue of Inside Turbo C
  12. Command4
  13. spSound
  14. Command7
  15.     spNosound
  16. Picture1
  17. Command5
  18. spNoise
  19. Command6
  20. spChirp
  21. Label4
  22. .Submitted July 8th, 1991 By Alfred J. Giordano
  23. Command2
  24. Label3
  25. spNoise
  26. Do_Noise
  27. Command1_Click
  28. Noise
  29. spTone
  30. spChirp
  31. spSound
  32.     spNosounde
  33. Command2_Click\
  34. Text1_ChangeJ
  35. Form1
  36. text1
  37. Text*
  38. Label3_Click
  39. Label3
  40. Caption
  41. Form_Click
  42. Picture1_Click
  43. Delay
  44. Ticks
  45. Pausew
  46. Command3_Click
  47. Command6_Click
  48. Command5_Click
  49. Command4_Click
  50. Command7_Click
  51. BeenHere
  52. BennHere
  53. Do_Noise
  54.  Demo of (Sp) Sound Functions-
  55.  Sound Glides Down like a Siren
  56.  220 = Starting Frequencye
  57.  440 = Starting Frequencye
  58.  10  = Cycles of Each Frequencye
  59.  Makes a continuous Tone
  60.  330  = Length (counts) for a 1/2 Cycle
  61.  1000 = Number of Cycles or Duration
  62.  Create a hissing noise or White Noise
  63. 0 = Total number of counts to delay.
  64.  starts a continuous tonet
  65.  440 = desired frequency
  66.  use spNosound to stop tone.
  67.  Terminate all Sound Functions
  68. Command1_Click
  69. Command2_Click
  70. Delay
  71. Command3_Click
  72.  Makes a continuous Tone
  73.  330  = Length (counts) for a 1/2 Cycle
  74.  1000 = Number of Cycles or Duration
  75. Command6_Click
  76.  Sound Glides Down like a Siren)
  77.  220 = Starting Frequency 
  78.  440 = Starting Frequency 
  79.  10  = Cycles of Each Frequency)
  80. Command5_Click
  81.  Create a hissing noise or White Noise
  82. 0 = Total number of counts to delay.
  83. Command4_Click
  84.  starts a continuous tone
  85.  440 = desired frequency
  86.  use spNosound to stop tone.
  87. Command7_Click
  88.  Terminate all Sound Functions